
Dare to follow us on an alternate reality adventure?

Only the brave will be able to succeed…


MATRËSHKA (Matryoshka) dollhouse is an NFT-based project revolving around storytelling and a series of tasks to be completed by the holders to acquire a prize with a real-life value in the end. The collection aims to entertain the supporters, while pushing the boundaries of classic straightforward lore development by adding interactivity and the need for progression. Lore-friendly breeding-like mechanic, advantages for completing a set, unique merchandise, blockchain DRM technologies and various tangible utilities - expect these and many more perks!

First contact

We are the natives of the MATRËSHKA lands, we call for your help! We have experienced a truly great impact on our planet’s surface, something or someone crash-landed. We’ve sent a few search brigades to locate it [. . .] what’s going on?! Someone’s here? Show yourself!

The only recovered part of the message so far

The MATRËSHKA world is in trouble! Numerous SOS signals received, yet not all uncyphered yet. We cannot be sure what those were mean for us, but they appear to be distress signals. Also, something weird took place in the Matreshka solar system, according to the James Webb team’s leaked info. But what has exactly happened though?!

Adventure awaits!

We need to bring the community together in an attempt to help them! Want to take part in this adventure and help the MATRËSHKAns? Go forth, spread the word! Together we can do it! WAGMI!

8 September



Under re-construction...
be back soon!
  • 2022 Q1

    - Concept development and website launch
    - Project announcement

  • 2022 Q2

    - Lore introduction release
    - Merchandise development and shop launch
    - Marketing push with more giveaways and contests
    - NFT contest: get a MATRËSHKA pack as a prize

  • 2022 Q3

    - Ultimate MATRËSHKA NFT airdrop for full set owners
    - 1st phase launch of the BIG QUEST
    - NFT Staking to earn TNT-20 token

  • 2022 Q4

    - Alpha Metaverse release with your NFTs and TNT-20 token utilised
    - 2nd phase of the BIG QUEST

  • 2023 First Half

    - Beta Metaverse release with your NFTs and TNT-20 token utilised
    - 3rd phase of the BIG QUEST

  • 2023 Second Half

    - Official release of the Metaverse
    - 4th and final phase of the BIG QUEST

The BIG QUEST is a series of quests with a real tangible prize at the end. MATRËSHKA NFT holders are eligible for an early access to the phases that gives a massive advantage in solving the quest.



ShiftyBean83 / Sergey
The optimist
KingWasabi / Tony
The grumpy philosopher
Business Dev
The critical eye
alienbell / Pavel
The cretive hand of the
Synopsys Events and Trade GO


preview ↗



official channels